Faith At Work

"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God"

Faith at Work
is about ministry - the work we do as a congregation in efforts to be faithful to the task of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Faith at Work:
Is Vital Worship offered in a variety of expressions - traditional and contemporary, and at times when people can participate. We now offer a service on Saturday night and have added a contemporary service at 9:30.

Providing spiritual growth experiences like Sunday School, small groups, short-term studies, discipleship through Bible study, etc.

Ministry on behalf of others, like Stephen Ministry or HUMC's outreach efforts - Respond Inc., The Neighborhood Center, Fellowship House, or the Youth Mission trip to New Mexico. See the "Ministries Page" to see what we are doing.

Faith at Work is each member's attitude and commitment to do whatever they can to help make the church strong - not "what can the church do for me, but what I can do for my church" - to paraphrase President John F. Kennedy.

Faith at Work is a church facility that is as good as we can give to the glory of God and for the work of Christ.  The building is to the people of God what the skeleton is to the body.  It gives shape, form and space for doing God's good work.
Our capital campaign is raising funds to begin new construction on the church which will:

  • Add nearly 15,000 square feet of space to be used for education and fellowship.

  • Make our worship and fellowship areas accessible to all - making it accessible to those who are physically challenged

  • Adding new restroom facilities

  • Making needed refurbishments and improvements to our existing building, keeping the integrity of the original architecture.

The gifts of our congregation have made it possible to create and construct the improvements listed above.  We are happy to say construction will begin in the  Spring of 2006!